Màquines de canvi

As a first line of product, Màquines de canvi were initially the rationale behind our company. In 1988, AMYC was a pioneering company in Spain in the production of Màquines de canvi. Currently, we are national market leaders and we export to 18 countries.

Our Màquines de canvi for notes to coins, coins to notes, chip machines and currency changers pass all of the most demanding control and validation tests of the ECC. We have more than 20 different models and configurations that allow us to adapt ourselves to any need and, if necessary, our I+D+I Department is specialised in the carrying out of personalised products that are tailor made to the requisites required by our clients. The machines or cash machines for currency exchange are made depending on the configuration requested by the client and the place of installation to be able to offer the service necessary, at the most adapted price and with the security required.